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How to Get Rid of Fleas on Humans Skin

Can humans get fleas? Well, yes you can, and here's an X-ray of a human flea, male left and female right (Picture: Getty)

Itching and scratching is not a good look. Cats just about manage to get away with it.

But humans? We look pathetic as soon as we're afflicted with one measly mosquito bite.

It's just lucky humans can't get fleas, or… hold on… can humans get fleas?

Well, sadly humans CAN get blood-sucking fleas, even in 2018, when we have modern medicine, insect repellents and cleaning products.

Flea bites are larger and darker than mosquito bites and they tend to itch more (Picture: Getty)

Fleas are the reason why so many humans died in plagues in centuries gone by.

Rats get a bad rap. It's their fleas that carry those plagues, the ones that used to wipe people out, and fleas still cause people to contract devastating diseases today, in rare cases.

In 2012 a Texan man's life turned into a horror film when he caught the black plague by helping a choking stray cat, and being bitten by a mouse's flea in the process.

The human flea, which are generally between 1.5mm and 3mm in length, is particularly well-developed to live undetected (at least for a bit) under the skin of a human, and to reproduce quickly.

The cat flea (Ctenocephalides felis) is a persistent annoyance to cats and their owners (Picture: Getty)

These fleas are wingless and flattened from side to side, which makes them difficult to dislodge in hair as well.

They have enlarged hind legs for jumping while the male genitalia is disproportionately large, and often coiled.

Most normal fleas are unable to live for long periods on most humans because of their lack of hair, but this specific type (there are over 2,000 flea species) has developed to happily live on us.

Another glamour shot of the human flea (Picture: Getty)

The best process of getting rid of human fleas is as follows:

  • Thoroughly wash all your clothes first to ensure any other fleas are disposed of
  • Have a shower and clear the fleas off your body, which should be relatively easy
  • For your hair, or beard, use Flea Shampoo (the kind designed for dogs, there isn't one for humans), or Lice Shampoo
  • If you don't have access to those then Dish Soap, like Fairy Liquid, will kill your fleas so apply it to the hair and leave it on for 10 minutes before combing thoroughly with a flea comb, then washing out
  • A last resort is using salt and baking soda mixed together with some water, then applying it to the area and leaving it for 10 minutes before combing thoroughly with a flea comb, then washing out
  • Make sure you clean the combs you've used and continue combing your hair like this for a week after you think they've gone
  • Spray yourself with anti-flea spray, or make your own bottle of 90 per cent boiled water mixed with 10 per cent essential oils as a spray
  • Treat your pet (be it a mouse, rat, cat, dog, bird, or otherwise) to ensure any fleas they have can't spread back to you
  • Thoroughly clean your carpets, sofa covers and bed to ensure any cosy fleas are gone, gone, gone

These customers are not the kind you ever want hanging around your home (Picture: Getty)

To keep the fleas at way afterwards, you can add tea tree oil to your normal shampoo, as it's anti-microbial and anti-parasitic.

Don't then rush to touch any nearby animals that might have fleas, or people that you may have got the fleas from.

Because you know what will happen.

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How to Get Rid of Fleas on Humans Skin
